"God, thank you for me not to jump on the beds and not to jump on mommy when she's in the bed that way. Help me not to say poop."
"Remember you said when mommies and daddies get married they can see each other's bodies?" (Josiah)
"Yes..." (mom)
"Well, mommies can't show little boys their feet." (Josiah)
"Are we eating beans?" (Asher)
"Yes" (mom)
"I don't like beans." (Asher)
"In this house sometimes we eat things that aren't our favorite." (mom)
"Well, I don't like this house." (Asher)
"God, help me not to touch the poo poo when I go potty and get my hands in it and wash myself off. Help me to not break my lizard's tail and bite off his head. Help me not push people over and push them and leave them on the ground."